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At Rose & Crown Cosmetic Ink, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your appearance. Your hair is one of the first things people notice about you, which can significantly impact your self-esteem. If you're unhappy with your hair, it can be hard to feel good about yourself. That's why we offer scalp micropigmentation treatments with a personalized approach. We know that getting scalp micropigmentation can be a big decision, and we will take the time to answer any questions you have.

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Full Scalp & Density

Benefits of SMP

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a cosmetic tattoo that involves depositing pigment into the scalp to create the appearance of fuller, thicker hair.

Despite its relatively recent emergence, SMP has quickly become one of the most popular hair loss treatments available. It is an effective solution for both men and women struggling with thinning hair or baldness. In addition, the scalp micropigmentation cost is significantly lower than other hair loss treatments.

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Creating the illusion of a full, healthy head of hair.

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Scar Coverage

Scalp scars blend seamlessly with our ultra natural pigment colors.

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The Difference

SMP mimics the look of healthy hair follicles by depositing pigment color into the skin.

SMP Financing Package

4th Session is FREE!


Proper SMP technique and tools are critical to achieve desired results and prevent pigment blowout & discoloring. In addition to perfecting technique, Annie has selected SMP needles and a diverse SMP pigment line that delivers consistent, trusted results.

Certified SMP Artist since 2018

The Process

SMP is minimally invasive, however, topical lidocaine is applied to keep you comfortable. Expect your scalp to feel warm for several days.

Aftercare is simple! Do not wash for 3 days, followed by a gentle cleanse. Avoiding ammonia and alcohol based hair products will help your pigment last longer.

Multiple Sessions

Scalp micropigmentation is a multi-session treatment, with each session lasting around three hours. The number of sessions required will depend on the extent of hair loss. However, most people will need between three and five sessions to achieve desired results.

Follow up sessions can take place as soon as two weeks.

Learn More

If you are interested in exploring scalp micropigmentation, we encourage you to book a consultation appointment with Annie. She will take the time to understand your individual goals and tailor a treatment plan that is right for you.

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3 Hour Session

Expect 3-4 sessions to achieve desired results.

Future touch-ups may be necessary every 2-5 years or as pigment fades.

Every skin is unique and fades are various rates.

Schedule Your Consultation

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Dominic Garza

Dedicated SMP Artist

Dominics artistic career has been dedicated to the artistry to Scalp Micropigmentation. He has been long studying at Rose & Crown under Annie's watchful eye. Dominic has quickly mastered scalp density treatments, as well as, color modification and SMP saline removal.